Guided Meditation Audio,  Meditation

Lovingkindness (Metta, Maitri) phrases can heal us

It was so wonderful for all of us to join the Upaya Sangha to hear Sharon Salzberg give a talk and lead us into a meditation practice of loving kindness. We have studied her book and now to see her in person online was very special. I have been guiding students in this wonderful practice since it is needed in the world today. We need kindness to ourselves and to ours in order for all of us to survive this pandemic, and extend lovingkindness to the people suffering from war.

The simple phrases

May I be safe

May I be happy

May I be healthy

May I live with ease

are easy to remember and soothing to our souls when we are filled with doubt, sadness, and anxiety.

It is also an on the spot practice to do for others when we bear witness to the suffering of the world -the grief, the illnesses, the violence, the divisiveness, etc.

May you be safe

May you be happy

May you be healthy

May you live with ease.

It is such a simple way to wish someone well.

It may sound corny but we have the neuroscience to back up the effectiveness of Lovingkindness:

A scientifically controlled study conducted by German researchers at the University of Kassel has shown that while the chest area of an average person emits only 20 photons of light per second, someone who meditates on their heart center and sends love and light to others emits an amazing 100,000 photons per second. That is 5000 times more than the average human being. Numerous studies have also shown that when these photons are infused with a loving and healing intent, their frequency and vibration increases to the point where they can literally change matter, heal disease, and transform negative events.
Ten minutes of meditation on compassion, on kindness for others, and you will see its effects all day. That’s the way to maintain a calm and joyous mind.”
From The Book of Joy: Lasting Happiness in a Changing World” by Dalai Lama

As quanta of light, photons are the smallest possible packets of electromagnetic energy. … “Photons are everywhere in particle physics, so you almost forget about them.” The photon has fueled centuries of discovery, and it remains an important tool today.

10 minute Guided Meditation on “Metta”- Loving Kindness