Financial Goals

Money Breakthrough-Get Yourself One

I have been a Financial Advisor now for over 26 years and I have worked with very poor people and very wealthy people. There is a big difference – not just in the size of one’s bank account but in many areas. Here is what I have observed:

  • Poor people are always looking for the big bucks. They are attracted to scams and investments that offer double and triple digits. They don’t take the time to do their own due diligence but rely on friends, neighbors, and relatives for opinions. They never have enough time to look at how to do things right.
  • Rich people are always looking for a way to save a buck, twenty bucks, or more. They understand the power of compound interest and get that lots of small savings here and there snowball into one big growing account (see 401K plans, for example). They make the time to find ways to save because they know how important it is.
  • Poor people always have an excuse for why they can’t save. They want to wait until the economy is better, or the kids are grown or there is more equity in the home. These are just excuses for not moving forward. Change can paralyze them.
  • Rich people can see the risk/reward ratio and jump in and make a decision. They understand that the changes they make now will help them later. They are willing and eager to make changes to get ahead.
  • Poor people pick trusted advisors for fancy offices orĀ  how they look or who they know, instead of choosing someone with the right knowledge and services at the right price to help them.
  • Rich people know the strengths and weaknesses of their advisors and rely on them and their associates to support them in wealth accumulation.
  • Poor people are afraid of failure and scared of losing money.
  • Rich people understand that they will fail and that will not stop them from moving forward and they know at some point they will lose some amount of money and they are at peace with that. Nothing ventured means nothing gained.

See a pattern? Notice the strengths; notice the weaknesses. Are you a rich person or a poor person? You can breakthrough patterns of fear, mistrust, and indecision through the coaching process. Email me to set up a complimentary coaching session.

Breakthrough old money patterns and build lasting wealth today. E-mail me, Fern, a Financial Advisor with over 26 years in the business at to have a money breakthrough.

Coaching Question – What money pattern would you like to get rid of?