Financial Goals,  Investments

Here’s How You Can Benefit In This Crisis

Despite the government’s efforts and the billions already spent, the crisis clearly remains a long way from being resolved. Here are 3 tips on what you can do:

  • Time to think past frustration, fear and/ or anger and get educated about possibilities. Your greatest worry in the unknown.
  • Time to look at all the options. Rarely is a situation so black and white that workable options don’t exist. (If you know me well, you know that I have to look through an entrie store before I buy anything. LOL!)
  • Time to review risk tolerance and plan for the next phase of your investments. Can market opportunities overshadow risk for you?

The key to success is a clear understanding of your needs, knowing what to expect, and being prepared. You need to where you stand and what you can do now and into the future. My strategy conversation is an opportunity to understand your concerns and help you move forward from where you are to where you want to be.

Many of you have reviewed my audio file where I talk about my one-on-one Coaching Program to help you look at your options in all areas. Most of you haven’t worked with a Coach virtually so I want to let you the benefits of working with me in this manner. In the past, I had employees and a 1200 sqaure foot office space in downtown San Mateo with clients all over the Bay Area and in some other states. Now I work out of a home office with an iphone and professional headset. I work with clients all over the world- most of whom I have never met and we all love it. The benefits to you are:

  • Clients are set up to learn/listen/participate in a session, and there is almost a (healthy) expectation that something terrific will be created, presenced or discovered during the session itself. In other words, wisdom and action plans can be created, instead of just information being transferred.
  • Clients feel more confident in sharing personal stories that they wouldn’t in person. Because of the freedom to share personal or meaningful things, clients tend to act more quickly and get results faster. We are there to work together and hear/be with each other without the distractions/diversions of clothing, uncomfortable chairs, stress of driving to the office, opinions about another hair style, etc.
  • Clients can reach a goal, make a change, prove what they learned, or fix a problem in a session, not just after it. This approach helps the client to learn more deeply and to assimilate the information/skills completely because they are using it, not just learning/understanding it. Big difference. When focusing on desired results, clients learn the information/skills 2-10 times faster/better/deeper (as compared to theoretical learning).
  • Clients who have different learning styles are accomodated quickly. Coaching sessions can be recorded for future review for auditory learners, personalized checklists, and worksheets, and outlines are available for visual learners and kinesthetic learners can take notes.